F8F's AI Solutions & Services
Accelerating the Adoption of AIAt F8F we pride ourselves on empowering federal defense and intelligence agencies to rapidly adopt commercially proven technology to drive innovation in the Federal sector.

Unmatched Data & AI Capabilities Powering Initiatives Around the Globe
I Need Domain Experts to Label Data
Your AI is only as good as your training data. If you don’t have the right experts to capture human intelligence into a form that can be used to train AI against your models will underperform.
F8F Labeling as a Service
Don’t want to label your own data? Pay per hour or per label. Tap into our vast network of domain specialists across various defense and intelligence backgrounds to ensure your AI training data meets mission needs. Access continual data labeling service patches to ensure your model is always up to date with changing mission requirements.
My Models Don’t Work Well for Complex Defense Scenarios
Most models don’t work because they are trained on bad data, not enough data, or the wrong data. If your ML partner is training on public generic training data, you will run into issues for complex mission use cases. If you don’t have visability into what your model is trained on, it puts the end warfighter at risk due to potentially unidentified edge cases.
F8F Model Fine-tuning Service
Leverage our robust team of data and AI specialists to evaluate your scenario, review your existing training data, optimize it, and recommend ways to patch gaps that align to edge cases where the model is struggling.
My Sentiment Models Aren’t Good Enough for Defense & Intelligence Applications
Most sentiment models fail to capture the nuances of geopolitical indicators around the world. This is due to limited generic training data that will cripple your ability to detect threats. Often models are trained on public datasets that allow your adversaries to copy your AI sentiment detection capabilities to determine how you will interpret events and even do adversarial manipulation of sentiment monitoring systems.
F8F Optimized Sentiment Service
Leverage our vast sentiment training data to gain insights for early warning indicators. Enable complex and nuanced indicators to capture geopolitical and conflict indicators.
I have Multiple Sensors but they Don’t Communicate
In today’s world often the issue isn’t enough data it’s if all that data can be stiched together to form a data driven story for threat detection and monitoring. If there’s no unified unit ID for tracking suspects and identifying them across all data types. It makes it challanging to rapidly track and monitor threats.
F8F Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
Gain rapid insights to understand suspects across data types leveraging F8F’s technology and services to enable more robust detection and tracking of threats. Stitch together a data driven story leveraging every sensor input.
I want to Integrate LLMs Into Workflows but I’m not Sure How to Do It Safety
Defense and Intelligence senarios can get complex. Commercial LLMs are trained on public data and often don’t have the context to work efficency in highly specific domains without lots of public information. Determining how to test and optimize LLMs for a particular use case is critical to enabling AI adoption in a responsible way.
Fine-Tuning & RAG Services
LLM developers leverage our technology to optimize and evaluate LLMs leveraging domain experts to benchmark against highly specific, complex use cases. Partner with F8F’s ecosystem of domain experts.
I Need Better Insights into Human Domain Monitoring
If you are looking for human domain and economic monitoring often satellite data can help but it fails to provide the level of detail required to gain detailed insights. There’s a need to monitor how people move from micro level of within a building to a macro level across a region to gain insights into early warning signs.
Enhanced Situational Awareness
Leverage a team of highly skilled experts leveraging our HYDRA AI portfolio to uncover the undiscoverable regarding hidden trends and insights into human domain monitoring, illegal activity groups, and economic indicators.